Welcome to my corner of the web.
I'm Chafic Najjar, a front-end developer working remotely.
I have over 10 years of experience building fast, responsive and maintainable user interfaces. Some of the startups and agencies I've worked with in the past include Violet, Gradle Inc., Everphone, Maalka, Tortoise Labs, Code for Africa and IdeaToLife.
I'm also building webcomic.app (website builder for webcomics), comics-jobs.com (job board for comics creators) and illustration-jobs.com (job board for illustrators).
I know how to:
- Faithfully translate designs to beautiful and responsive website front-ends.
- Write modern and maintainable JavaScript and TypeScript code.
- Write React code for data fetching, state management, routing, SSR and i18n.
- Write clean and scalable CSS with Sass or CSS-in-JS libraries.
- Write semantic and accessible HTML code.
- Set up tools like npm, webpack, Babel, ESLint and stylelint.
- Write useful and reliable tests with Jest, React Testing Library and Cypress.
- Develop intuitive APIs with GraphQL and Apollo.
- Implement website back-ends with Node.js, PostgreSQL, Express and Prisma.
- Integrate third-party tools like Stripe, Auth0, Firebase, Sentry and Cloudflare.
My resume lists all my skills. Email me at chafic.najjar@gmail.com to get in touch.